Wednesday, July 29, 2020

5 Hidden Truths About WWE

1. The Undertaker caught fire at Elimination Chamber 2010:
WWE doesn't want anyone to remember the incident that happened to the Undertaker at Elimination Chamber 2010, but not me. The incident occurred when the Undertaker was making his entrance in a dark arena which was decorated with fire and smoke, his jacket mistakenly got near the fire and suddenly ignited.
Immediately, the Undertaker ran and succeeded in quenching the fire before he continued walking slowly again.
2. The winners of every WWE match is predetermined:
Before a match takes place on any WWE event, it has already been acted in their wrestling school. Many WWE fanatics won't believe what they are about to see in the pictures below (leaked scripts).
WWE is scripted and that's why their commentators are always seen with a script on their announce table.3. WWE utters the crowd's reaction:WWE have been caught on various occasions uttering the crowds reaction. In other words, WWE sometimes replace cheer reaction for boo's in their televised episode.
4. Ric Flair is not a sixteen time World Champion:
WWE has always hidden Ric Flair's total World Championship reign from their fans so that he wouldn't be considered as the greatest wrestler of all time. Whenever Ric Flair comes up to the ring, WWE's commentator would say that he's a 16 time World Champion, but the truth is that Ric Flair is a 19 time World Champion (he won the NWA title 9 times, the WCW title 8 times and the WWE title 2 times).
5. Goldberg undefeated streak ended in a long time ago:
Over the years, WWE have succeeded in making their fans believe that Goldberg was undefeated until Wrestlemania 33, but it was all lies. At starcade 1998, Goldberg and Kevin Nash faced off in a singles match with Goldberg undefeated streak on line. That is, if Goldberg lost the match, his streak would be broken. However, Kevin Nash won the match and ended Goldberg's streak at 173 wins with the help of Scott Hall.

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